

Hi! I’m Berat Onur Ersen.

I’m using this site to log my activities, thoughts, things those matter to me. ✒️

In the past, I was quite active on social networks. I had account on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. but now I prefer to concentrate on offline way of living more. Before moving to the Netherlands, I traveled some for business which gave me the opportunity to discover places, people and nature.


Moorea / Tahiti

Most of the time, I read about things happenning around the globe or learn about interesting history, and as matter of fact I do search on brand-new/interesting technology.
I do watch informative Youtube videos, tv-shows depicting real life or at least telling a considerably good story, podcasts.


El Peñón / Guatapé

I like travelling around the world, like many of us do. In the past, I traveled a lot for business. For the last five years, I haven’t been mowing much for business but mostly for leisure. I believe that people cannot level themselves up as long as they travel for their eyes only. Just to see new things, for me is another form of procrastination. When our brains, and our feelings getting into the mix of what we experience, there becomes unforgettable memories and new learnings unlocked. With that in mind, I push myself to understand during my travels.


Senso-Ji Temple / Tokyo

In 2019, I started a Youtube channel to explain about Kubernetes technology for people who cannot find an easy-to-understand resources to learn. It attacted many organic subscribers and I am happy that I helped this many people to understand what Kubernetes is all about. I cannot maintain it for a long time, but I am happy that viewers liked it and it provided a good kickstart for the ones trying to understand that particular technology.

When I get bored, I usually find myself starting a new hobby project or creating some content or writing a song. Corona pandemic affected everyone’s life all around the world and pushed me to create a podcast to discuss, to connect with people that I already know or I lately met. Rota Hollanda was the outcome of that boredom and it was so good that I saw unexpected listen counts from people all over the world. I will keep on connecting and sharing people’s stories on this podcast.

If I was not an engineer, I would like to make music for a living. Sometimes I try to record some tunes in diverse music genres, practicing music theory and see where the notes would take me. If you wonder my recordings, please check my soundcloud page 🎵

Below are my remaining social playground on web after i removed nearly all.