Back to Basics
It has been a long time since I logged something here. Not to my surprise, even the framework that I used on Github was outdated so I was unable to push something to its repository.
A lot has happened throughout these years. I have been working and living in the Netherlands for five wonderful years now.
Some highlights to review my last five years:
- I decided to change where I live in Amsterdam, moved to my own apartment.
- I change the team and also my role in the company that I work for.
- I created a brand-new music band, had a gig in Rotterdam, and next gig is to happen in Amsterdam.
- I had a trip to Italian Alps, had a fantastic long bicycle climb up to a place called Rittner Hoorn.
- I visited Madrid, and from there went to Lisbon having two wonderful holidays within two weeks time, unforgettable memories.
- I went to Japan to celebrate my fifth year in this country, had fantastic time there making new friends, and seeing a whole different new world.
I tried creating YouTube channels, recording voice memos, getting back to Instagram even. Actually, nothing made me feel myself fulfilled like I wrote something and put it right here. Honestly, I don’t know but writing may be the best form of expressing oneself in any communication channel. At least for me, it is like that.
I decided to visit this blog to put more up-to-date information about my experiences. Every day, we learn something new and just throw them to back of our heads. So, long story short, this place will be back of my head from now on.